Sunday, January 6, 2008

Boys Names---V

Vachaspati .... lord of speech
Vaninath .... Husband of Saraswati
Vaibhav .... richness
Vajramani .... diamond
Vallabh .... beloved, dear
Vandan .... salutation
Varun .... lord of the waters, neptune
Vasant .... VasanSpring (season)
Vasava .... Indra
Vasu .... wealth
Vasudev .... Krishna's father, god of wealth
Vasuman .... born of fire
Ved .... sacred knowledge
Veer .... brave
Vidur .... wise
Vidyacharan .... learned
Vidyadhar .... demi god
Vidyaranya .... forest of knowledge
Vijay .... victory
Vikas .... development, expanding
Vikram .... the sun of valour
Vikramendra .... king of prowess
Vikrant .... powerful
Vimal .... pure
Vinay .... good manners
Vinod .... happy, full of joy
Vipan .... sail, petty trade
Viplav .... drifting about, revolution
Vipul .... plenty
Viraj .... resplendent, splendour
Virochan .... moon, fire
Virat .... very big, giant proportioned
Vishal .... huge, broad, great
Vishnu .... Lord Vishnu, root, to pervade
Vishvajit .... one who conquers the universe
Vishvakarma .... architect of the universe
Vishva .... earth, universe
Vishwas .... faith, trust
Viswanath .... god of universe
Vishwamitra .... friend of the universe
Vishvatma .... universal soul
Vivek .... judgement
Vyomesh .... lord of the sky

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